In Pursuit of the Giant Sable Antelope

In Pursuit of the Giant Sable Antelope
In Pursuit of the Giant Sable Antelope (Atmosphere Press) is a coming-of-age tale featuring 17-year-old Walker Scoville. In the summer of 1975, Walker is offered the rare privilege of accompanying British wildlife photographer Cecil Covington and four other boys on a filmmaking expedition to southern Africa.
As he travels through South Africa, Southwest Africa (Namibia), and then-Rhodesia, Walker revels in the dramatic scenery and abundant wildlife, but is shocked to encounter these countries’ harsh separatist racial policies. Black nationalists have begun organizing against these white ruled governments, and parts of these countries have been deemed unsafe for travel.
Midway through the trip, Cecil learns of the sighting of a rare and beautiful giant sable antelope on the militarized border between Southwest Africa and Angola. Despite the obvious dangers, Cecil diverts his group into this borderland in hopes of finding and photographing this near mythic beast. The ensuing drama tests Walker’s loyalties and forces him to deal with challenges he’s never imagined.

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